Basic D&D Tool

by Muqtadaa Miandara

Players and Initiative


Initiative: Name: Hit Points: Armor Class: Notes:
Condition: Effects:
00 Player Playerson 000 00 Add notes here
  • Automatic failure on sight-based checks
  • You have disadvantage on attack rolls
  • Attacks against you have advantage
  • You cannot target the creature that charmed you with attacks or harmful effects
  • The creature that charmed you has advantage on social interactions with you (Charisma based checks)
  • You cannot willingly move closer to the source of your fear
  • You have disadvantage on attack rolls while you can see the source of your fear
  • You have disadvantage on ability checks while you can see the source of your fear
  • Your speed is reduced to 0 and cannot be increased
  • You cannot take actions, bonus actions, or reactions
  • You cannot be seen except by special means
  • You count as heavily obscured for the purposes of hiding
  • You make attack rolls with advantage
  • Attack rolls made against you have disadvantage
  • You're incapacitated
  • You cannot move (cannot complete somatic component of spells)
  • You cannot speak (cannot complete verbal component of spells)
  • You automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws
  • Attack rolls made against you have advantage
  • Attack rolls against you automatically result in critical hits if the attacker is within 5 feet of you
  • You physically turn to stone and your weight is multiplied by ten
  • You're incapacitated
  • You cannot move (cannot complete somatic component of spells)
  • You cannot speak (cannot complete verbal component of spells)
  • You automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws
  • Attack rolls made against you have advantage
  • You do not age while petrified
  • You have resistance to all damage
  • You are immune to all poisons and diseases
  • You have disadvantage on Attack rolls
  • You have disadvantage on Ability checks
  • Your movement requires 1 additional foot of movement speed for each foot you move (essentially halving your movement for the round)
  • You can spend half your movement to stand up and end the Prone condition
  • Creatures within 5 feet of you have advantage on their Attack rolls against you
  • Creatures more than 5 feet away from you have disadvantage on their Attack rolls against you
  • Your speed is reduced to 0 and cannot be increased
  • You have disadvantage on Attack rolls
  • Attack rolls made against you have advantage
  • You have disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws
  • You're incapacitated
  • You cannot move (cannot complete somatic component of spells)
  • You cannot speak (cannot complete verbal component of spells)
  • You automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws
  • Attack rolls made against you have advantage
  • You cannot take actions, bonus actions, or reactions during the 1st round of combat
  • You're incapacitated
  • You cannot move (cannot complete somatic component of spells)
  • You cannot speak (cannot complete verbal component of spells)
  • You automatically fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws
  • Attack rolls made against you have advantage
  • Attack rolls made against you automatically result in critical hits if the attacker is within 5 feet of you
  • You are unaware of your surroundings
  • You fall prone
  • You drop any items you were holding
Levels of Exhaustion
  1. You have disadvantage on all Ability Checks
  2. Your movement speed is halved
  3. You have disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Saving Throws
  4. Your Hit Point maximum is halved
  5. Your movement speed is reduced to 0 and cannot be increased
  6. You die
You have to input at least the Initiative and Name for this to work